Courtney's Dope Soap policy
Customer Care
I think that knowing what is in your products is so important! That is why I started making my own soap. Because I make what I am putting on my skin, I know that it is made from the best ingredients! After seeing the difference using my own homemade soap has made for me, I was inspired to work to share a great product with my friends, family around Christmas time. Everyone loved the soap and an idea was born. With some encouragement from those close to me, I decided to make Courtney's Dope Soap into a reality and offer it more than just on holidays to my friends and family as well as my community!
I feel very strongly that the same care that I took in making and getting soap to the people closest to me should be placed in ensuring that all customers get that same level of care. At Courtney's Dope Soap, customers can expect to be treated as part of the family with carefully created, packaged, and shipped soaps!
Privacy & Safety
Your privacy is one of my greatest concerns. Checkout is done using secure sources with third-party banking to verify payment. This website does not collect data on customers. No information is shared with other sources.
Business Inqueries
If you are a small business owner and would like to offer Courtney's Dope Soap in your business, please reach out by email at
I would love to discuss options that work for both of our businesses and help